• "…Keyboard Fantasies…"

    Beverly Glenn-Copeland





    Label:Atlast Records

    フィラデルフィア出身、シンガーソングライターBeverly Glenn-Copelandによって86年、自身のレーベル〈Atlast Records〉から発表されたカセットテープアルバム、「…Keyboard Fantasies… 」。

    ジャズのレコードコレクター、クラシックピアニストの父と、教会で賛美歌を歌う祖母、異人種が集うキリスト教系コミュニティに囲まれ、幼少期から多彩な音楽、文化の影響を受けて育ったCopeland。カナダ、モントリオールに移住後、大学にてオペラとリートを専攻し、一旦はクラシック歌手を志すものの卒業後は、世界三大無名ギタリストなどとも敬意をもって評されるジャズギタリストLenny Breauなどとつるみはじめ、完全に愚れてれてしまいジャズ/フュージョンの畑を耕すこととなります。1970年にデビュー作品となるLPアルバム「Beverly Glenn-Copeland」を発表すると、その評価から舞い込んだUSの脚本家Frank Vitaleのミュージカル音楽プロデュースという大役を担い、これがいちばんの大きなきっかけとなって、その後70年代から80年代前半にかけては、愚れていた反動からか映画やアニメーション、セサミストリートなどの子ども向け番組のための音楽を作曲してゆくことになります。要するにうたのおねえさん(オニイさん?トランスジェンダーであったため02年に男性に移行しています)の走りとなったわけですね。



    Philadelphia-born singer-songwriter Beverly Glenn-Copeland released a cassette tape album titled “…Keyboard Fantasies…” in 1986 on her own Atlast Records label.

    Surrounded by a jazz record collector, classical pianist father, church hymnalist grandmother, and an interracial Christian community, Copeland was surrounded by a wide range of musical and cultural influences from an early age. After graduating, he started to work with Lenny Breau, a jazz guitarist who is regarded as one of the three most respected and unknown guitarists in the world, and he became a jazz/fusion singer. When “Beverly Glenn-Copeland” was released, he took on the huge role of producing music for Frank Vitale, a US playwright who was brought in after the release of “Beverly Glenn-Copeland”, and this was the biggest impetus for him to take on the role. I would go on to compose music for movies, animations, and children’s programs such as Sesame Street. In short, I am a songstress (onii-san?). So it was a run on (he transitioned to male in 2002 because he was transgender).

    The influence of this album, released in 1986, is clearly evident, and despite its home-made, home-recorded sound source with only his own pastoral cobbling, the lustrous tone of the YAMAHA DX-7 synthesizer, and the minimalism of the Roland TR-707 drum machine, it exudes a timeless mellowness, with a nostalgia that stretches as far as Ohm’s tentacles, and a pale soul that soars through the endless fields of nostalgia.

    He is a gifted musician with a classical and jazz background, but he is also a dedicated musician, producing musicals for elementary schools in New Brunswick, Canada, as well as working on productions for children’s wellbeing. It’s about continuing to work on a heartwarming art education. I can no longer help but be impressed.

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